Our friendship, 1986 June - 2020 August

Created by Carol Ann 3 years ago

I met Pat 34 years ago. My first thought was how beautiful she was. Over time that beauty shone through everything she did and said. Back in those days, she would call me on my office phone and summon me, in the nicest way, to the basement. What we called the 'dungeon'. There we would pour out worries, laugh over silly things and often cry over things hurting. Always afterwards feeling much better.

Our friendship with her and her beloved Don flourished over the years. We celebrated our weddings together. She married a year after me and David and looked amazing.We shared Chinese New Year meals I will never forget. After moving away, when we visited Hampshire we would often just pop in unexpected and always be made welcome. We had giggly phone calls over the years, I will always remember her giggle.

Pat was immaculately dressed for any occasion. Loved her clothes and one memory lives in my heart and head. Every time I see a blue dress, I think of my friend. She had fallen in love with a ball gown, no ball on the calendar but she loved it and so bought it. No occasions to wear this gown came long, where she could wear it so she did what any sensible lady would do . She wore it to do her housework! Always makes me smile. Will always be 'Pat' to me.

I helped look after a few year back during an illness and even then she could make me laugh. She was so strong, so in love with Don and so happy. The night before we moved to Wales we had a meal, all of us, Pat, Don, David my husband and I. A last supper so to speak. Pat was very upset and had told me this but understood that moving away was not a choice. I knew I would miss her and I did. We stayed in touch, cards and letters and phone calls. But not enough. We would visit when we were back 'home'. I just wish it had been more often.

Sometimes in life someone comes along who makes a huge impression on you. Pat was my someone. From that first day when this beautiful lady smiled and spoke in her lovely soft voice to welcome me to the company, I loved her like a sister and I hope she knew. So sorry I didn't see her in her illness, but I didn't know. I will 'join' family on Monday to say my goodbye to my beautiful friend Pat x